Students listen to a young Teaching volunteer in Romania while an older volunteer prepares for the lesson

Volunteer Teaching in Romania

Travel to Eastern Europe and gain practical teaching experience while helping students improve their English

¿De qué se trata?

Volunteer as an English teacher in Romania and work with disadvantaged students in the beautiful city of Brasov. You’ll work at a local school, and focus on teaching English and supporting teachers. This is a great way to get practical classroom experience while helping where you’re needed most.   

Today, with Romania in the European Union, speaking English is the key to obtaining good jobs. However, most qualified English teachers in Romania are tempted by the higher wages they can earn outside of the classroom. We need teachers like you to support English education. As a volunteer teacher, you’ll put together lessons and activities to get the students speaking English and raising their confidence.

You’ll be based in the ancient city of Brasov, and live with a local host family. Seize the opportunity to explore a different culture, eat traditional food, and experience local customs.   

Fechas de Inicio: 

Fechas Flexibles

Ver fechas

Duración Mínima: 

4 semanas


16 o más
Nivel avanzado de inglés

Is volunteer teaching in Romania right for me?

A volunteer Teaching Placement in Romania is perfect for anyone wanting to pursue a career in education, and wanting to get plenty of practical classroom experience. This is a fantastic addition to your CV, and it will give you plenty to talk about in a job interview or university application.


Besides giving you teaching work experience, this project will also help you develop other skills. These include management and planning, which you can apply to any career you pursue.


You don’t need any previous teaching experience to join this project. Just strong spoken English abilities and a great deal of energy and enthusiasm. We run regular workshops for all Teaching and Childcare volunteers, where you can discuss challenges and exchange ideas. You'll have a local teacher working with you, and you can reach out to our Teaching Coordinator at any time.

Our Teaching Project in Romania runs year-round, and you can join at any time. We encourage you to stay longer so you can have a bigger impact on your students.

A teacher give extra English lessons to a student who is struggling during her teaching work experience in Romania

What will I do as a volunteer English teacher in Romania?

At your volunteer Teaching placement in Romania, you'll work in a secondary school in the city of Brasov. Alternatively, you could request to work with younger children at a primary school. You'll get involved in work such as:

  • Assist local teachers with English lessons as well as other subjects
  • Keep a record of your lessons and activities for future volunteers
  • Help with extracurricular activities, such as drama, sports, and art
  • Attend workshops that will provide you with an insight into the education system in Romania

Your work will focus on the following areas:

Assist local teachers

You'll gain teaching work experience in Romania alongside local English teachers. You’ll help build the students' confidence in spoken English. Most volunteers begin as a teaching assistant but there are opportunities to take your own class once you start to grow in confidence. There are usually about 30 students in a class and we work mainly with students between the ages of 12 and 18.

It is always useful to have authentic material that the students can use to further understand the English language and culture. So, we recommend you bring a few resources from home to help with your lessons. Postcards, photos, and magazines normally work well.

If you are interested in teaching other subjects, such as French or German, let us know and we can arrange these classes.

Keep a record of lessons and activities

If you have no previous teaching experience, no worries! We will provide you with a teaching pack. This pack contains ideas for classes and advice on preparing a lesson plan.

We do request all our volunteers to keep a record of the lessons and activities they do in class. This way, we have even more great ideas to share with future volunteers. By keeping this kind of log, we are constantly improving our project and helping Romanian students learn in the best way possible.

Help with extracurricular activities

If you have any specialised skills or interests such as sports and art, let us know when you apply. Our local Romanian staff can then match you to the schools that would be best suited for you.

Attend workshops

While you’ll be in Romania to teach, it’s also an excellent opportunity to learn.

The Projects Abroad team in Romania organise regular workshops for our Teaching volunteers. These workshops provide you with valuable insights into the education system in Romania. You will also receive loads of advice and suggestions regarding activities.

One of the first workshops you’ll attend will also give you an overview of Romania’s culture and history.

Where you will be working as a Teaching Volunteer in Romania


You will be based in the ancient city of Brasov. With its terracotta coloured roofs, gothic spires, medieval gateways, baroque buildings, and pedestrian friendly streets, it’s almost like a fairy tale come to life. Although it may seem quaint and old fashioned at first sight, the city is bursting with modern hustle and bustle.

Your working day will be spent at a school in the city. There are usually about 30 students in a class. These schools are generally well equipped and tend to have a dedicated teaching staff.

Evenings and weekends will normally be your free time to explore. There are always other Projects Abroad volunteers around and plenty to see within Brasov and the Transylvania region in your spare time.

Recibimiento en el aeropuerto, vuelos y visado

Cuando llegues al aeropuerto, personal de Projects Abroad te estará esperando. Puedes encontrar más detalles sobre tu llegada al aeropuerto, orientación y visado en nuestra página de Procedimientos de Llegada a Rumanía.

What your typical day will be like as a Teaching Volunteer in Romania

Your day will normally start with a hearty breakfast enjoyed around the table of your Romanian host family. After this you will either walk, cycle, or take public transport to your teaching placement.On your first day, out staff will show you how to get there.

Schools typically start at around 8am. You will have to arrive 15 minutes to half an hour earlier, depending on how much you need to prepare for lessons. During the first hour or so, you will assist local teachers with other lessons. By mid-morning, you will start with English classes till the end of the school day.

You will get an hour and a half lunch break. If your host family lives close by, you can head home for lunch. Alternatively, you will enjoy a packed lunch at school.

From about 2pm to 4pm, you will be involved with extracurricular activities of your choice. In some placements, English clubs have become a popular activity for volunteers to present.

Evenings and weekends are your free time to explore. Make the most of your time in this magnificent country by going on weekend excursions with fellow volunteers. Also, enjoy plenty of meals with your local host family and spend time conversing with them. It’s the very best way to learn more about their life and culture.

Projects Abroad volunteer runs an English language class as part of her teaching work experience in Romania

What are the aims and impact of this project?

The aim of this project is to help improve English levels among young people in Romania.

Following the revolution in 1989 and the subsequent opening up of the country to the West, it became important for Romanians to speak English. Today, with Romania in the European Union, speaking English is the key to obtaining good jobs. However, most qualified English teachers in Romania are tempted by the higher wages they can earn outside of the classroom.

Schools are always grateful for help from volunteers. Apart from assisting with English lessons, they also play an integral role in creating resources like posters and flashcards. These can be used in classrooms long after you’ve returned home. 

With your help, we can ensure that young Romanians improve their English. We’ve identified three long-term, sustainable goals we hope to achieve with our Teaching Project in Romania:

  • Improve English
  • Encourage learning through creativity
  • Improve teaching technique

Join us as a volunteer and help us achieve these goals, as you gain invaluable teaching work experience in Romania.

Projects Abroad volunteer and her students pose for a photo to mark the end of her teaching work experience in Romania

Planes de gestión

Hemos establecido los objetivos para nuestros proyectos en documentos llamados Planes de Gestión. Los usamos para planificar adecuadamente la labor que realizarás. También nos ayudan a medir y evaluar nuestros logros e impacto cada año.

Básicamente, nuestros Planes de Gestión nos ayudan a mejorar nuestros proyectos. Esto significa que formarás parte de algo que tiene un impacto real donde más se necesita. Lee más sobre nuestros Planes de Gestión.

Midiendo nuestro impacto

Nuestros proyectos trabajan hacia objetivos claros a largo plazo con objetivos anuales específicos. Cada voluntario e interno que enviamos a nuestros proyectos nos ayudan a trabajar para alcanzar estos objetivos, sin importar cuánto tiempo participen en sus proyectos.

Cada año miramos hacia atrás y vemos cuánto hemos progresado hacia esos objetivos. También creamos un Reporte de Impacto Global que documenta nuestros logros. Obtén más información sobre el impacto que logra nuestra comunidad global de voluntarios, internos y personal y lee el último informe.

Comida y alojamiento

Te alojarás con una familia anfitriona o en apartamentos compartidos para voluntarios en Brasov. Tu anfitrión te dará la bienvenida a su casa, ansioso por compartir sus costumbres y que les enseñes sobre tu propia cultura.

Haremos lo posible por alojarte con al menos otro voluntario o interno de Projects Abroad. Tu habitación será sencilla pero cómoda, limpia y segura.

El coste del programa incluye tres comidas al día.

Descubre más sobre nuestro alojamiento.

Actividades de ocio y tiempo libre

Participar en un voluntariado en Rumanía te permitirá probar el estilo de vida del Este de Europa. Con tantas actividades seguramente encontrarás mucho que hacer en tu tiempo libre.

Este país es perfecto para amantes de la arquitectura, pues posee impresionantes edificios antiguos bordeando sus calles. La Iglesia Negra es un ejemplo de su cautivadora arquitectura gótica, con sus paredes de piedra ennegrecida por un incendio que azotó el área en el siglo XVII.

Y no solo sus edificios son hermosos, también sus calles. ¡Especialmente cuando te escabullas en una de las calles más estrechas de Europa!

Vale la pena hacer un viaje a Transilvania y visitar el Castillo Bran, el hogar del legendario Conde Drácula. Mientras estés ahí, puedes visitar el Museo ASTRA y sumergirte en el mundo mágico del folklore rumano.

Seguramente habrá otros voluntarios, así que podrás explorar en grupo o por tu cuenta.

Seguridad y respaldo de nuestro personal

Tu seguridad es nuestra prioridad. Contamos con procedimientos para asegurar que tengas el apoyo que necesitas para disfrutar tu viaje tranquilamente. Nuestro personal está disponible las 24 horas al día para asegurar que te sientas cómodo en tu alojamiento y programa. Si tienes problemas, ellos te ayudarán en cualquier momento.

Descubre más sobre nuestra estrategia de seguridad y respaldo.

Cuando te registras solo pagas 295€ que se descontarán del precio total. Contamos con opciones de pago flexibles y asesoría de recaudación de fondos.

¿Quieres unirte a más de un proyecto? Llámanos al 919 010 409 para ver si podemos ofrecerte un descuento.

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