A group of volunteers helps with conservation work in Botswana for teenagers

Volunteering with Wildlife in Botswana for Teenagers

Work on a reserve in the heart of Africa and help conserve wildlife and bush ecosystems

¿De qué se trata?

Volunteer with wildlife in Botswana, Southern Africa, and work with other teenagers to protect animals and local ecosystems. You will live on a beautiful reserve, surrounded by wildlife, and learn from conservation experts.  

Through your volunteer work, you will be part of our efforts to help preserve and protect elephants, leopards, lions, giraffes and more. This is an amazing opportunity to see these incredible creatures in their natural habitat!  

Not only will you have the time of your life, you will also learn new skills and get a lot of practical experience to add to your CV.

On the weekend you'll go on a walking safari and learn about local handicrafts.

The reserve in the Tuli Block is close to the the Limpopo River. At the camp, you will live with other teenagers your age, and be supervised by our staff.

Volunteer Service Hours: 50 to 100.

Download a sample itinerary for this project.

Fechas de Inicio: 

Durante vacaciones escolares

Ver fechas

Duración Mínima: 

2 semanas



Is wildlife conservation volunteering for teenagers in Botswana right for me?

If you’re looking to pursue a career in conservation, or just want to do more to help the environment, this project is perfect for you. You don’t need any previous experience. We’ll teach you everything you need to know. All you need is a passion for wildlife and the great outdoors.

In Tuli, you’ll work with conservationists who are passionate about the environment and have dedicated their lives to African wildlife. They’ll be there to guide and support you, and make sure you’re safe.

Our High School Special is specifically designed for teenagers, and we have a set itinerary in place to make the most out of your time.

This project strikes a great balance between research and hands-on work. You’ll learn from conservation experts and do plenty of practical work. You can use it on your CV, in applications, and talk about it in interviews.

Projects Abroad volunteers help with vital elephant conservation work in Botswana on our placement for teenagers

Your work will focus on the following areas:

Build dams and waterholes for wildlife

Water is a scarcity in Southern Africa. As a Conservation volunteer, you will help construct and repair waterholes, boreholes, and rainwater tanks. This will ensure that water is stored during the wet season and that there is lots of  water during the dry season. This is vital for wildlife to survive during times of drought.

Track animals during surveys and help gather research data

The Tuli region is home to large and diverse wildlife populations, which is one of the most exciting things about the area. It is important for us to keep track of population growth and movement. You'll help us do this by taking part in surveys. You'll also conduct research and collect data to help track animal movements and family units of the local wildlife.

Remove wires and snares and participate on anti-poaching patrols

Illegal poaching of bush meat is a major challenge to conservation in Botswana. As a volunteer, you will help reduce poaching efforts in the Tuli area. You will mainly do this by joining local staff members in removing snares around the reserve. By removing hundreds of these snares, we are able to save the lives of hundreds of animals.

Set up camera traps

As animals are very active by night, camera traps help us study their natural habitats, behaviours and movements. You will be involved in setting up these cameras around the reserve.

Camera traps have produced a couple of first sightings for us. A baby brown hyena, a honey badger, a leopard and an aardvark were seen for the first time on our cameras. This is incredibly exciting, as it tells us that our efforts are creating an environment where animals thrive and breed.

Work with volunteers from around the world

You’ll volunteer with teens from around the world. There will be plenty for you to learn from your new friends, like the customs and cultures in their home countries. And during your leisure time, you will all get to experience life in the African bush together.

Who are our project partners?

We partner with the a reserve in Botswana.


The reserve is owned by Dr Helena Fitchat and Mrs Judi Gounaris, two passionate conservationists. They both share our spirit of adventure and passion for African wildlife and ecosystems.

Where in Botswana will I work?

The Tuli Block

Located on the banks of the Limpopo River, you will find yourself in the very heart of the bush. With large populations of elephants, crocodiles, hyenas, and other species, Tuli is a truly wild place.

You’ll spend your evenings next to the campfire with other volunteers and staff members. All of the rooms of the camp are divided by age and gender, so you’ll have roomates the same age and gender as you.

We encourage you to fully immerse yourself in the experience. However, while the project is thoroughly risk assessed and supervised, please remember there are wild animals around. Therefore, our policy is that you must never leave the camp without a staff member with you.

Recibimiento en el aeropuerto, vuelos y visado

Cuando llegues al aeropuerto, personal de Projects Abroad te estará esperando. Puedes encontrar más detalles sobre tu llegada al aeropuerto, orientación y visado en nuestra página de Procedimientos de Llegada a Botsuana.

What are the aims of the Wildlife Conservation Project for teenagers in Botswana?

The aim of this project is to preserve the ecological well being of the area and ensure the survival of precious wildlife species.

Tuli has seen a recent decrease in wildlife populations, largely due to growing human activity in the region. Increases in illegal hunting and poaching, as well as land degradation, have also contributed. By doing wildlife research, soil erosion control, construction, and anti-poaching drives, we are helping preserve what is left.

The ultimate goal of the project is to create a conservation area protected by law. We are working on this with other game reserves and national parks in the area.

Join us in Botswana and become part of our efforts to protect African wildlife. 

A leopard spotted during Projects Abroad's wildlife conservation volunteering for teenagers in Botswana

Planes de gestión

Hemos establecido los objetivos para nuestros proyectos en documentos llamados Planes de Gestión. Los usamos para planificar adecuadamente la labor que realizarás. También nos ayudan a medir y evaluar nuestros logros e impacto cada año.

Básicamente, nuestros Planes de Gestión nos ayudan a mejorar nuestros proyectos. Esto significa que formarás parte de algo que tiene un impacto real donde más se necesita. Lee más sobre nuestros Planes de Gestión.

Midiendo nuestro impacto

Nuestros proyectos trabajan hacia objetivos claros a largo plazo con objetivos anuales específicos. Cada voluntario e interno que enviamos a nuestros proyectos nos ayudan a trabajar para alcanzar estos objetivos, sin importar cuánto tiempo participen en sus proyectos.

Cada año miramos hacia atrás y vemos cuánto hemos progresado hacia esos objetivos. También creamos un Reporte de Impacto Global que documenta nuestros logros. Obtén más información sobre el impacto que logra nuestra comunidad global de voluntarios, internos y personal y lee el último informe.

Comida y alojamiento

Te alojarás en nuestro campamento en Tuli Block, donde compartirás una tienda con otros voluntarios de Projects Abroad de tu mismo género. Es una gran forma de conocer mejor a tus compañeros voluntarios y compartir juntos la experiencia de vivir en el corazón de la sabana africana. El campamento tiene baños compartidos con agua caliente. No hay electricidad, pero hay estaciones de carga que funcionan con energía solar para tener luz por las noches.


Tu tienda será modesta, pero cómoda, limpia y segura. El coste del programa incluye tres comidas al día.


Descubre más sobre nuestro alojamiento.

Seguridad y respaldo

Tu seguridad es nuestra prioridad. Contamos con procedimientos para asegurar que tengas todo el apoyo adicional que necesitas como joven viajando al extranjero. Nuestro personal estará disponible las 24/7 para brindarte apoyo y orientación constantes. También se asegurarán de que te sientas cómodo y seguro en tu alojamiento y programa. Si tienes problemas, estarán disponibles para ayudarte en cualquier momento.

Descubre más sobre nuestra estrategia de seguridad y respaldo.

Cuando te registras solo pagas 295€ que se descontarán del precio total. Contamos con opciones de pago flexibles y asesoría de recaudación de fondos.

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